Affairs of the Heart - God's Messages to the World

This book is about the courage to change-personal transformation that overflows at home, work and in friendships through forgiveness and developing abetter relationship with God. Whether living a joy-filled life or feeling despair of any type, Affairs of the Heart will bring peace, comfort and healing through this easy to read, relatable story and the 72 full color Inspirations the author received during her 90 day journey into God’s arms at St. Veronica Church. The church, located inHowell, NJ, has been featured on ABC Primetime, Fox 5 and local TV as one of the most Charismatic Churches in America.

Category: Religion, Faith, Self Improvement

220 Pages
Jan. 2013

“I always wanted to make a difference in someone’s life and this gave me that opportunity.”

~ J.I. Willett

Award Winning Author

Several years ago, Janice experienced a low in her life that so many of us can relate to. As she questioned her purpose, she turned to God for guidance. That was the monumental pivoting point wherein she left her unfulfilled life, including a 33 year career in the service industry, and used her savings to live and follow the path that led to writing the books that bring peace and comfort to so many. 

Where to Buy & Order Online

The Wake-Up Call to Follow Your Dreams and Change the World One Person at a Time! This Amazon #1 International BestSeller is changing Lives and Relationships. Clergy approved. The Handbook for the Soul … a Book Everyone Should Have at Their Side” says Nationally Syndicated Radio Host Kathryn Raaker of Christian Talk Radio. Join this gifted since childhood author on her inspiring Journey into God’s arms as He speaks to her heart and she receives His 72 Messages to the World. 

Reader Reviews

First Aid Kit for the Soul. A book Everyone should have at their side

– Christian Talk Radio Host, Kathryn Raaker

Excellent reflections for those seeking the only real peace. Well written and thought out

– Wayne Weible, Internationally Acclaimed Author on Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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