What is Your Greater Purpose?

Psalm 138:8
“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”

In the book ‘Affairs of the Heart’ God says, ‘For without purpose you are nothing. Awaken each day with purpose. If you do not know what to do, then ask Me and allow Me to guide you to your destination. It is purpose that creates esteem. It is esteem that creates confidence, and in the confidence you will find peace. For with peace there can be no anger, no animosity … only peace.’

Throughout the Bible we are told to live a mindful, peaceful life and to use our hands for good purpose. Are you?
Do you know what your greater purpose is? If not, allow God to guide you … He wants to. He is calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him. As Lent begins in a few weeks, accept Jesus’ invitation to journey with Him in the ‘desert’ and be transformed. Set aside your old ways, deny yourself the distractions of this world, and use your hands for prayer and praise as you allow God to guide you to your utmost purpose.

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