“My blessed child, for you do I pine.  Awaken fresh with renewal each day of your life. Open your hearts, the windows to your souls, to Me, your Lord, your God.

For it is only with Me and within Me that you can survive this world as it is; this earthly mass of destruction. The debauchery and wastefulness of your generation is wasting away what I made, what was good.

To the ends of the earth do I beg all you, brothers and sisters, to repent and change your ways whilst you still can.

For I tell you the enemy is near. And who of you will stand righteous in My name. Who will be willing to give his life for My name’s sake?

Yet, is it not I who gave My life for you? Yet you must ponder, weigh your possessions against My love and My will?

Ye of such small faith, never planting your seeds to grow into a loving son or daughter in the light of My love.

No, instead you grow your riches in things – accumulations. Garnishing yourselves in glitter and bangle, thinking you are wealthy in the world. Mind you, brothers and sisters, this world will end, as will your trinkets. And what have you say after that? Nothing! No substance, no spiritual foundation have you established for the glory of Heaven.

You are not prepared to come before Me.  Why, how many times do I have to tell you? Be ashamed, for I am disappointed to know you care not about your bounty in heaven, the place I had created just for you.

Ignoring My love and caring, and replacing it with locks of gold and earthly splendor.  You see, your time will come and you will be sorely disappointed. Amen, I say unto you. Verily My words will resonate in your ears from your death through eternity.

Change now or never change again.

Amen, I say, Selah!”

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