As a cancer survivor, I was attracted to this little golden book with the cherry blossom branches reaching across the cover. What a title? Dying without Crying? What could this author mean? I had to investigate.
Death is not a popular subject. It seems we spend most of our life avoiding the elephant in the room. J.I. Willett doesn’t hide from the uncomfortable. She plunges in. With faith, hope, and fascinating personal stories, this author encourages us to look at the road ahead to see what awaits us beyond the horizon.
Readers are taken on that journey. We travel with Willett on the road we eventually all must walk. It is a spiritual path, not a depressing one. With great care and wonderful talent this author brings us safely down the path of death and into the arms of our awaiting God.
With chapters like “Know Thyself” and “Who needs a Martyr” we are guided into the importance of facing our own death and the death of those we love with courage and planning. We are drawn spiritually and emotionally into the truth that we have been avoiding most of our life. We are all going to leave and we are going before we are ready if we don’t look at death and live our lives in the present.
How to stand beside those we love as they leave this life is touched upon with tender gentleness and practical advice.
This book may be tiny, but the impact is enormous. The ease-to-read prose may be simple but its’ concepts are deep. It is a book to read and refer to repeatedly as we face the inevitable. It is a volume that should be given to all the harried caretakers who carry loved ones through the end of their days on earth. It should be read by all healthcare workers and hospice volunteers. It is a gift to be given to those with terminal illnesses. Dying without Cryingis a gem that glows with the wisdom of the ages and shines a light on faith, death and love.
 ~  KarenKellyBoyce, Author
      May 17, 2016
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