Message received 11/11/15

“As to the direction, your life must begin with humility and grace. For without them how would you know where to go, where to begin, where to start.

It is with Me, your Lord, that you will find your way … now and forever find your way.

Lean on Me.

Look to Me.

Honor Me.

Venerate Me.

Honor My mother. Love My Father, your Father, the Father of all times. For it is He that directs Me and it is through Me to reach Him.

I tolerate not the insolence you have come to know.  Refer back to your ancestors, the Bible, the Book of all generations for instruction on conduct and perseverance in this world as you now know it.

Some things have changed.

Many things have not changed.

My Father’s Rules will always be the road to salvation, your eternal life.  Heed every word I am saying to you.  Heed them and follow them until your dying day, your last breath; and make your Father proud of you by your obedience in this life.

Be not afraid, for I am with you always.  Come, follow Me and I will lead you there.


The Word of the Lord

Thanks be to God”

Message received 10/1/15

“Verily, I say unto you, heed My call. For it is not of this world that you should worry. Your concerns are to be of your future with Me.

Oh, weary ones, walk the path of dirt and gravel, letting your feet touch the real earth I created for you. Wear your loin cloths, for you need nothing else to enter the gates of Heaven.

When you let go of all material possessions, you will find a freedom second to none; for walking with Me is a journey that will last forever. Walking with Me should be your life’s goal, your thirst and your hunger.

Pack your belongings and give them away, for they mean nothing. Choose the path to travel now and journey with Me and to Me, your God and Savior. Only then can we begin salvation.

Amen? Amen! Selah!”

Message received 9/12/15

“My blessed child, for you do I pine.  Awaken fresh with renewal each day of your life. Open your hearts, the windows to your souls, to Me, your Lord, your God.

For it is only with Me and within Me that you can survive this world as it is; this earthly mass of destruction. The debauchery and wastefulness of your generation is wasting away what I made, what was good.

To the ends of the earth do I beg all you, brothers and sisters, to repent and change your ways whilst you still can.

For I tell you the enemy is near. And who of you will stand righteous in My name. Who will be willing to give his life for My name’s sake?

Yet, is it not I who gave My life for you? Yet you must ponder, weigh your possessions against My love and My will?

Ye of such small faith, never planting your seeds to grow into a loving son or daughter in the light of My love.

No, instead you grow your riches in things – accumulations. Garnishing yourselves in glitter and bangle, thinking you are wealthy in the world. Mind you, brothers and sisters, this world will end, as will your trinkets. And what have you say after that? Nothing! No substance, no spiritual foundation have you established for the glory of Heaven.

You are not prepared to come before Me.  Why, how many times do I have to tell you? Be ashamed, for I am disappointed to know you care not about your bounty in heaven, the place I had created just for you.

Ignoring My love and caring, and replacing it with locks of gold and earthly splendor.  You see, your time will come and you will be sorely disappointed. Amen, I say unto you. Verily My words will resonate in your ears from your death through eternity.

Change now or never change again.

Amen, I say, Selah!”

Message received 9/5/15

“My children, I call you to Me. I call you to listen, to contemplate, to venerate, to learn what is important and what is not.

Come then, My friends, and gather to listen – and block out the world as it is.

Be still in your hearts, in your thoughts, in your words. Focus only on Me, Me your Lord, your God, without whom you would perish.

Verily I say this because without My breath I breathed into your soul, your mother’s womb, you would not be here today. My breath is your breath, and you must always remember this.  Cower not unto temptation. I can and will deliver you from evil. However, how many times would you think I should do this? My child, you cannot keep sinning and repeat the many sins – for you are taking Me for granted. This is not a game. This is your future, your eternal life we are speaking of.  You must understand the brevity.”

Message received 7/30/15

“I love you. I love you all.  Please don’t forsake Me in this hour of need; for it is in this hour, this very hour, that you should be questing me, your Lord, your God.

My mother, the Virgin Mary, signifies grace and all that be.  Honor her. Honor they Mother, for it is she who comes to Me and thru Me bringing the sacrifices up and requests of healing and tears shed in order to experience the Glory of Heaven.

Respect My mother as you would your own. And if you don’t, then you must begin now; for without our mothers, we would be banished children fallen out of Grace.

My beloved people heed My word. Honor and respect – not just My mother, but all mothers; and all brothers and sisters; your fathers.  But mostly your heavenly Father, My Father; the King most high.”

Message received 7/14/15

“What say ye then; that which is not proven to you does not exist? Verily I say unto you that which you cannot see is what truly exists… That which you see shall perish.

Open your eyes … the eyes of your soul. For in humanness your eyes shall perish… In My name they shall see. For what is it that is so worldly that you must fix your gaze upon it, I asked you.  Lust, incest, bodily harm … forsaking My gifts to you.  Abusing your bodies and your minds.

I am your strength.

I am your salvation.

I am your world to be … but only if you allow it.

Point the finger at the other, trying to free yourselves from blame. You are all to blame. There is no one that is sinless … only those with less sin than others.

I say to you, it is time to reduce your sins; take them to My son, your Lord, Jesus Christ. Ask Him to absolve you. Repent and dare not do it again; for more sinning will recompense you back to a sinner without recourse.

Do not hold your breath a day more waiting for the time; for the time is here and now. Without Me, you are Nothing!”

Message Received 7/11/15

“Take heed, I tell you. Now and always do not forget what I say to you.

Doubt Me not, for I am your only way to salvation. Come with Me. Follow Me to the Promised Land… the land of plenty.

Oh, ye who fails to forgive … have I not shown you My graces and mercy? Have you not been forgiven, even when you have not repented? Why, you should be on your knees thanking Me perpetually for all I have done for you.

Give Me thanks. Give Me thanks now; now, while you can … before it is too late and you are too weak, too frail or not of sound mind.

Come to Me, your Lord, with all your sins, your transgressions of yesteryear and today. Be redeemed. Redeem others. Allow Me to show you the way.

Ye of little faith, it is time … it is time to be gracious, not pompous.”

Message received 6/25/15

“For how can the world heal … how can you heal without forgiveness?’

Are you so strong in spirit that you are infallible of folly … prey to the dark side … the side of temptation and cruelty to others because the ego is speaking to your brain instead of the Holy Spirit to your heart?

Are you so enthralled in your life that you don’t have time to become a better person … a better reflection of Me?

Then take heed my brothers and sisters.  The time will come when it is too late.  The time is nearing. I pray you heed My words … the words of the Lord, your God, your Savior, your light. … the beacon that signals the way home through your heart.  For how can you hear me or see Me if you are blinded by the life of the ego?

Eccentricity abounds. Egoism at it’s height. Fornication of the soul. Blasphemy from your lips burning with desires of the unknown promises of Satan.

Beseech Me.  I am your last resort, your salvation back to the world you were created for.  I am your door to the future, your passageway to forever.

What’s that you say? You don’t have time? Do you really think you are correct? Do you think I, your Lord, am calling you to Me for no reason?

Think again. Put down your yoke and pick up your shovel.  Follow Me to the Promised Land of plenty. There is not plenty here … there are only things … accumulations.  Plenty is what I have in store for you. Plenty of love, sunshine, crystal-clear waters, green plants beyond what your eyes can fathom … flowers abounding everywhere. Sparkling sunsets and blinding sunrises like you’ve never seen. Rainbows of love showering you with colors of distinction so filled with awe that you would drop everything right now and walk with Me if only you could see what I am telling you.

Your future starts now … today … this very moment. I am your future … without Me you will have nothing! Things will pass as will your body. In your frailty you will wither away. What good then I ask you will your accumulations serve you then? What if the world-as-you-know-it comes to an end tomorrow? Are you going to grab your accumulations to save you?

No! No, I tell you. Nothing can save you but Me, your Lord, your Christ, your Savior. Get off your precipice now … now before you fall from it in your greed. Your greed will swallow you up and spit you out. Oh, you who is filled with blasphemy and contempt. Oh you who claims to be righteous in YOUR own name. Oh, you who will fall to his knees begging in your last days, knowing not if you will be saved.

For those who have diligently come to Me in earnest, wanting to be saved, will come first to My House.  There are so many rooms in My House.  When they are full I will choose carefully thereafter.

Take heed now. I am warning you most sternly without prejudice to change your ways … to turn your back on this world and walk with Me … and with your brothers and sisters who are following Me … who are trying to make themselves just; who are not afraid to experience the pain on the road to salvation. For it is that pain and suffering, and self-denial that buys the riches in Heaven.

What you are buying here for earthly riches will leave you poor. Verily I say unto you heed these messages from God, your Father.”